We have beautiful dreams, we have a rich, happy, hectic life. We chase love, happiness, we chace beauty. And, suddenly, the present comes and puts its mark, its signature on our life and says stop, wait, take a look in the mirror and think more. We stop and wait. Patiently, because we know that one day we will return to our lives.
Reproductions Provided
You can select and Invest in low cost proposals and get high level quality of Original – Numbered Reproduction with 2 Certificates of authenticity from the artist & Zervas Art.
CONTACT us for your order
Size 1: 70cm x 50cm = 69.70 euros
Size 2: 70cm x 100cm = 99.50 euros
Size 3: 100cm x 140cm = 119.00 euros
Provided any special size
(in the prices included VAT 24%)
Few artists today make a living from their art, and even fewer of them present their work in galleries or other places. Many are forced to do some other work, which does not reduce them but deprives them of the opportunity to offer everything they can and want in their art. By buying works from living artists, we help art & artists to exist.
These cheap artworks that you will buy today will probably prove to be an investment in a short time. Of course, like all investments, it involves risk, but here in the Online Art Gallery the economic dimension is so low. So you must feel very satisfied for your buy.
Art, along with everything else, is an investment. Investment in the work of art that is being created but also in the future of the artist.
And of course to love young artists. Start watching them from their school’s graduation reports. This way you will get to know their art, their thinking and you will know what and why you are buying it.
“Buy Art from Living Artists, the Dead Don’t Need Money”