
One secret to buying art that creator in person, you will hear his story behind the work of art and you will understand the feeling that the work hides.
The average person is not an art collector of many or a few million. For many, the act of buying art is very informal, it is often an impulsive purchase.
You are welcome to CHOOSE & BUY great artworks from MONA JABBOUR Online Painting Exhibition, in the best prices…!
Jan ’88 -May ’90 PRATT INSTITUTE, Brooklyn, N.Y. MFA degree in Painting
Sept. ’81 – June’ 86BEIRUT UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, Beirut, Lebanon.
BS Degree (in Liberal Arts with a concentration in Fine Arts),
an External Degree Program affiliated with S.U.N.Y, Albany; N.Y.
Sept.’ 82 – May. ’84BUC,Beirut. AA Degree in Advertising Design .
Sept. ’79 -May ’80 GOLDSMITH’S COLLEGE OF ART, University of London,
Completed the first year of a BFA program in Painting
Developed Figurative Drawing andPainting
Sept. ’78 – May ’79CHELSEA SCHOOL OF ART,LondonFoundation course
in Fine Arts, including sculpture,graphic design,life drawing,and lectures.