
A fine artist ,a painter,and a journalist. A graduate of faculty of fine art,graphic department of printed design,
I participated in the national youth conference .I was honored to meet the president of Egypt.I participated in the 2 nd, 3rd international gathering (caricatuire)At the arts of palace.I took part in youth saloon 28 and the general fair 39.
I was the first top at the ninth international creators at salah taher hall at the opera House on art influence .
I participated in the fourth arab balgaa for plastic Arts in Jordan .
I got the first place in the supreme council for culture on terrorism
I participated in the first and second dai festival for arab youth.
I got the first prize at The al ahram foundation at the arts hall which included many arab countries for Illegal immigration .I won the third prize in rome in asrya competition for art In the field of portrait painting on women in an old historical hall famous for Making paper called( nagasawa) .I have publications in al ahram weekly For the leaders portraits ,illrdal immigration ,social justice, seasonal employment Real estate, banking and the interstate economy .
I was honored at the fourth arab forum for woman .
I participated in the at yaf exhibition in the syndicate of fine artists .I participated In the fourth Arabic calligraphy forum at the opera house . I participated in the International forum of al ahram foundation . I participated in a group exhibition in al ahram in the name of long live Egypt. I participated in the supreme council of culture at the Africa festival in the opera house .I Participated in cairo international forum for fine arts fourth Edition between heritage and present .
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