
I do hereby declare that all the above mentioned information is true to my knowledge and belief.
Exhibitions & Camp Workshop :-
1. “Tarang Group show of Painting & Sculpture” Organised by “The Sristi Cotemporary Art of India” Baroda in Lalit Kala Academy, New Delhi (year-2014)
2. A Group Art exhibition of “Imagination Group” Organised by themselves in Jamini Roy Art Gallery (ICCR), kolkata kolka (year yea-2017).
3. “Maati” The Ultimate statue of strokes Organized by “Shilpangan” an Institute of Art and Craft in state Art Gallery, Rabindra Bhawan, Guwahati, Assam (year -2012)
4. “Art and Craft Exhibition cum Workshop Aizawl Art Festival Fest2018” Organized by Art Novelty Gallery, Challtang Venglai (year-2015)
5. 2nd Annual Art Exhibition, 2017 Organised by The Group OF Colours, silchar,assam (year-2017)
6. “Iag Art Exhibition” Organised by Incredible Artist Group Associates of Barak Artist Guild, silchar Assam (year-2007)
7. On the occasion of “150th Anniversary celebration 2013 Organised and Art Exhibition by “Silchar Govt. Boys H. S. Silchar”.(year-2013)
8. Annual Art Exhibition of “Indian Institute of Fine Arts” Organised by themselves (year-2009 till 2018) along with Various workshop (2012 till 2018)
9. “Regional Art Workshop” 2012 jointly Organised by “Shilpangan” and “Gayanada Academy of Art & Culture,” Silchar, assam (year-2012)
10. “5th Annual Chitra Shilpa Mela” 2012 Organised by “Barak Art and Craft Society” (year-2012)
11. “Regional Art Workshop” 2013 Jointly Organised by “Shilpangan” Gyanada Academy of Art and Culture” Silchar, assam (year-2013).
12. The painting workshop, on the Occasion of “150th Birth Anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi “ at silchar, November 21st to 24th, 2019. Organised by North East Zone Cultural center Ministry of culture, Govt of India in collaboration with Directorate of cultural Affairs, Assam, Guwahati.
13. (WSI) Watercolour Society of India organised 1st Olympie art 2019 Host by (IWS) India Exhibited in IGNCA, Mew Delhi, for Dec 8th to 11th 2019.
14. All India Fine Arts e-workshop Organised by Sanskar Bharati, Kapaganj Mau. (U.P) India. Collaboration with Saptrishi Gyanganga Trust, Kapaganj Mau. U.P India on 5th to 25thjun 2020.
15. Nabankur Kala Bhawan presenting “Colour Wings “International Online Art Contest & exhibition Held on 10th july to 10th Aug 2020.
16. (The National Symposism “Local to Vocal” ways & means to enter in an open market with folk art- Subject) Webiner organized by Madhav Sanskriti Nayas with Knowled partner Sanskar Bharati Purvottar on 2nd Aug, 2020
Organized by:-Vihar lalitkala Shiksha Sanga.
You are welcome to CHOOSE & BUY great artworks from AJOY Online Solo Exhibition, in the best prices…!

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Original – Numbered Reproduction with 2 Certificates of authenticity from
the artist & Zervas Art.
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(in the prices included VAT 24%)
Size 1: 70cm x 50cm = 69.70 €
Size 2: 70cm x 100cm = 99.50 €
Size 3: 100cm x 140cm = 119.00 €
Provided any special size
“Buy Art from Living Artists, the Dead Don’t Need Money”