Ne a port au prince le 27 avril 2000 aine de la famille des son jeune age s interessait a la peinture et l architechture faisant la route avec son oncle Junot Oriental peintre de renom internation membre de Promart Haiti Angelo a pu apprendre les technique de base il a aussi ete eleve du peintre Domond Melchiade passe de presentation,Levoy Exile .Pierrot Augustin pour ne citer que cella, il a pu devloppe son style a lui en faisant un symbiosede ses differentes techniques il a participe a de plusieur exposition collective en Haiti et en France avec Promart haiti il est l inviter de Zervas art club internation un show qui de tiendra a NewYork we wish him succes.
Born in Port au Prince on April 27, 2000 eldest of the family from a young age was interested in painting and architecture traveling with his uncle Junot Oriental internationally renowned painter member of Promart Haiti Angelo was able to learn the basic techniques he was also raised by the painter Domond Melchiade presentation pass, Levoy Exile. Pierrot Augustin to name but one, he was able to develop his own style by creating a symbiosis its different techniques he has participated in several group exhibitions in Haiti and in France with Promart haiti he is the invite of Zervas artclub internation a show who will hold in New York we wish him success.