
Petro Nini Luarasi – Gjakove, Kosovo
2017 Facilitating, instructing, coaching the course participants. Project planning, monitoring the progress while finding, creating resources and needed materials. Regularly checking project progress, product, planning, and journals. Offering assistance in overcoming unexpected obstacles.
2019 Realization of paintings directly in front of the clientele of Hotel Garden, during the weekly activity “Sunday Brunch”.
2019 Murals Painting in recreational and exploitative environments. Where I am entrusted with work as a painter as well as project leading where I Selected the visualization styles
2019 Realization of murals in the form of painting, the interconnection of the mural in the current part of the mosaic in the complex – Diamond Residence,
2020 Painted mural on the wall
Painting murals in different cities of Kosovo, in order to raise awareness of survivors of sexual violence during the war in Kosovo
2013 2016 University of Prishtina, Faculty of Arts
Bachelor Department of Fine Arts
Department of Painting
2013 – 2016 Master Program in Visual Arts
Specialization Painting
University of Prishtina, Faculty of Arts Ekspozita e gjimnazisteve Gjakove 2011 | Ekspozita e fundvitit të studenteve Prishtine 2013 | Ekspozita e fundvitit të studenteve Prishtine 2014 | Kolonia e artisteve Podujeve 2014 | Java e filantropise Prishtine 2014 | “28 Nentori” Prishtine 2014 | “Infinity Art” Prishtine 2014 | “Infinity Art” Gjakove 2015 | “Girls of Kosovo” Prishtine 2015 | “Ekspozite ne kuader te Nenes Tereza” | Prishtine 2015 | “Ekspozita e fundvitit te studenteve” Prishtine 2015 | “Nene Tereza” Prishtine 2015 | “Ura me tri harqe” Tirane 2016 | “Shqipetaret nuk do te duhej te jene refugjate” Prishtine 2016 | “Gara e Artit Global” Prishtine 2016 | “Art Symposium” Rahovec 2016 “Net’rrjet IX-EXPOART” Prishtine 2016 | “Ura me tri harqe” Prishtine 2016 “Ajo Beson” Gjakove 2017 “Peace and Security” Exhibition of high school students Gjakova 2011 | Student year end exhibition Prishtina 2013 | Student year-end exhibition Prishtina 2014 | Artist’s Colony Podujeve 2014 | Philanthropy Week Prishtina 2014 | “28th November” Prishtina 2014 | “Infinity Art” Prishtina 2014 | “Infinity Art” Gjakova 2015 | “Girls of Kosovo” Prishtina 2015 | “Exhibition on the occasion of Mother Teresa” Prishtina 2015 | “Student end-of-year exhibition” | Prishtina 2015 | “Mother Teresa” | Prishtina 2015 | “Bridge with three arches ” Tirana 2016 | “Albanians should not be refugees” Prishtina 2016 | “Global Art Competition” Prishtina 2016 | “Art Symposium” Rahovec 2016 | “IX-EXPOART Network” Prishtina 2016 | “Bridge with three arches” Prishtina 2016 | “She Believes” Gjakova 2017 | “Peace and Security” Prishtine 2017 | “Flakadani i Karadakut” Viti 2017 | “Privatësia e shkelur”
Prishtine 2017 | “Muaji Artistik i Fakultetit të Arteve të bukura” Prishtine 2017 | “Ekspozita e fundvitit të studentëve” Prishtine 2017 | “1 në 1000”
Prishtine 2017 | “Escape to Landscapes” Mitrovice 2018 | “Çmimi Gursel Sylejmani” Ferizaj 2018 | “8 Marsi – Dita e gruas” Ferizaj 2018 | “Mural Fest”
Ferizaj 2018 | “Beat Brunch” Prishtine 2018 | “Sunday Brunch” Prishtine 2018 | “World Art Youth Forum” Sharm Elsheikh, Egjipt 31/10/2019 | 4 Rajeshwari Kala Mahotasva’20 ” Indi 2020 | Global Online Exhibition of Artworks “ART A REFLECTION OF TIME” Thailand 2020 – Prishtina 2017 | “The Flame of Karadak” Viti 2017 | “Violated Privacy” Prishtina 2017 | “Artistic Month of the Faculty of Fine Arts” Prishtina 2017 | “End of student’s year exhibition” Prishtina 2017 | “1 in 1000” Prishtina 2017 | “Escape to Landscapes” Mitrovice 2018 | “Gursel Sylejmani Award” Ferizaj 2018 | “March 8th – Women’s Day” Ferizaj 2018 | “Mural Fest” | Ferizaj 2018
“Beat Brunch” Prishtina 2018 | “Sunday Brunch” | Prishtina 2018 | “World Art Youth Forum” Sharm Elsheikh, Egypt 31/10/2019 | 4 Rajeshwari Kala
Mahotasva’20 ” India 2020 | Global Online Exhibition of Artworks “ART A REFLECTION OF TIME” Thailand 2020