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If we really love art, we buy works by artists who live with us.

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    +33 686 361 677


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It’s great to buy artists of your generation.
Artists who live and create at the same time as what we live.
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1939, Bastia (Corsica)
Depuis 1957, mon travail se modifieen permanence. C’est pour cette raison que je continue peindre. Car pour moi, tout celaresteunmystre

Autodidacte, j’aiapprispeindreen observant les gens du peupleetencoutant beaucoup de musique.
J’ai expos de Tokyo Lima, en passant par Barcelone, Qubec, Muse de SidiBoussad, Muse Galvas de Lisbonne, Muse de Sassari, Luxembourg, Duba, Marakesch, Casabanca, Jordanie… et de nombreuses expositions en Europe et en France.

Future Shows: Centre d’art contemporainOrenga de Gaffory, Patrimonio (Corse)
GalerieEmann, Herbeuval
GEM’ART, Louvres, Paris

Schiavo is this always evolving passionate creator, always searching for something undiscovered yet.
Bastia, his hometown in Corsica, superb island in the middle of the Mediterranean sea, are omnipresent in his work as first and determinant basis. The anti-paintings sold here, anhommage to jazz, are the last pieces of the chain he has been unravelling since his childhood.
‘You could say that Schiavo has fallen from his overwhelming skies, thrown on the stage where everything to him is more present and complex, starting with his personal look that suddenly tests himself to bring to light the interior landscapes of his phantasms. Hell of the decor that the previous epoch could not or did not want to see? Maybe or maybe not at all. Only one thing is for sure, jazz is huge and this is why this classical music and jazz specialist will ‘yesterday’ paint the secret of images like ‘tomorrow’ he was painting secret images.
Jean-François d’Abouchar
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