DIRECT COMMUNICATION with artist / Gallery

Now you have the chance to communicate directly with the artist or his/her Gallery via email, telephone & Social Media.
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I was born on September 6th 1956 in the township of Mihaie􀂮ti, Olt County.
I graduated junior high school at the School 182 /rom Bucharest and high school at “Dumitru
Petrescu “from Bucharest.
As I got my first prize far drawing during junior high school, I went to drawing lessons far a
while, unti! my father forbade me to.
Then, my teacher told me, far the first time, that I had an innate talent to express myseif
through art I
But my father did not approve with my artistic skills … and made everything that he couldfor
me not to follow this path! ! !
Time passed by … that’s its job, to pass. But my inner fire kept increasing .. .I felt it was time far
me to do something to follow my heart, tao.
Therefore, the Universe – or God- made it possible that in 2011, took piace, there were I was
working, dif.ferent courses – among them painting, pottery and decorations. I went to those classes,
firmly convinced that it was high time far me to let my creativity play as good as possible.
Since then, alongside many other things I do, I play … seriously … on the canvass, diving the
ones I love the best version of my artistic creation! ! !
I paint as I want to, as I feel and as I think fit. I don ‘t believe in techniques, rules and
customs … in art and in writing … I be lieve that everyone has the right to express as he thinks fit . . . with
his own soul! I!
That’s why my works don’t follow the pattern of the same style … They are dif.ferent, unique and
even useful, through the materials I use, but mostly through the concepts that lead me to each one of
My motto in art is:” RECO VERI RECYCLE! RECRETE”, using dif.ferent materials people
usually throw away, as they think it’s dump human waste. Thus, cartons of eggs, little cups of cream
cheese, ali sorts of threads since my times of crocheting or knitting, materials /rom my days of
tailoring, car little, trapezoidal belts and ali sorts of gaskets, cans of juice or beer, dif.ferent
recipients …p ips, seeds or corks, candy boxes, or medicine, burnt-out bulbs. … I can find a piace far
each one in my works, diving them a new /ace and another use.
A teacher offi ne to experiment NAIVE PAINTING. And I went to work, without thinking
twice … Then, I was invited to the Festival of Naive Artfrom Katowice, Poland and to other
exhibitions in Romania and abroad.
One day, I went to an exhibition of ABSTRACT PAINTING. Ifelt I had something to say in this
technique, tao. From that moment I began a whole cycle in this technique.
That’s thy now I use ali three techniques: APPLIED ART, NAIVE PAINTING and ABSTRACT
PAINTING, based on my mood, my inspiration and the materials that come my way.
In 2015 I had my first persona! exhibition, within the framework of the Graphical Artists
Association from Bucharest.
And then naturally followed more events to which I took pari with the same great joy, passion
and implication, which drive me to do so many things.
Now I can sustain that I am:
– Info energetic therapist-since 1996
– Writer
– Story-teller
– Photographer
– Sometimes, the editor of my own videos.
Ali of them represent me, ali make me passionale and I do everything with great pleasure,
giving a meaning to my !ife!